
Database search in a selected area

Thanks to our exclusive access to the database network encompassing over 100 unique databases of diverse producers worldwide combined with the expertise of our team enables us to offer you a wide range of services with a wide coverage of medical and scientific areas as well as geographical regions.

Service portfolio

  • Retrospective database literature and patent searches
  • Single database searches focusing on a specific topic
  • Identification of information on substances (e.g. detailed information of the substance’s physico-chemical, toxicological or ecotoxicological properties)
  • Preparation of study reports containing, in addition to the source information, value added by analysis, comments, etc., based on your requirements
  • Based on selected documents, we can search for similar information in scientific databases so you should have a comprehensive overview of your selected topic
  • Searches can be performed in single databases or in their combinations depending on your selection or on advice from our database experts,
    • typically in medical or pharmacological sources, such as Medline/PubMed, Embase, Biosis, ADIS, Biotechnobase, Scisearch, Toxcenter, Chemical Abstracts, DDFU/Drugu, INPADOCDB, etc.
    • in chemistry: e.g., Chemical Abstracts, Chemical Business Newsbase (CBNB), ReaxysFile, CHEMLIST, CHEMCATS, Compendex, INSPEC, MSDS-OHS, PROMT, RAPRA, Science Citation Index, WSCA, RTECS, etc.
    • patents: the unique Derwent World Patents Index database

Database searches focusing on pharmacovigilance and clinical research

  • Literature monitoring for the needs of GVP, QPPV and other pharmacovigilance-related needs
  • Periodic (weekly, monthly, quarterly) searches in selected databases
  • Medical and scientific journal monitoring (MLM)
  • Monitoring of global databases
  • Medicinal product monitoring
  • Keyword search in documents (e.g. adverse effects, off-label, occupational exposure, medication errors, product complaints, pregnancy and lactation/breastfeeding, hypersensitivity, inadequate efficacy, forgery, etc.)

Overviews of new publications devoted to a specific topic/issue

  • With a weekly frequency (e.g. concerning GVP based on the requirements for the Individual Case Safety Reports)
  • Retrospective searches covering a period specified by you (e.g. devoted to GVP to meet the requirements for Periodic Safety Update Reports [PSUR])

Higher-tier services

  • Assessment of literature database search results (e.g. from the pharmacovigilance aspect), causality, medical or other professional assessment, follow-up, completion of the CIOMS form, translations of articles
  • services tailored to meet the customers’ specific requirements